Setting Up MyGovID and RAM Authorisation Manager
It's actually not as scary as some make it out to sound. Provided you have all your information and you are listed on your ABN's ASIC record, then you'll be fine.
Step 1 – Set up MyGovID on phone or tablet
This is in effect the replacement of the AusKey. Instead of the "AusKey" being installed on your PC or USB stick, your new key is on your phone/tablet. It works in many ways, similar to Google Authenticator for those who have used that. Once installed on your phone with your personal details, it will verify with the portal who you are and then the portal will let you in. Note, you can only install ONE MyGovID ap per phone and you can only use it for ONE person. You cannot share a phone/tablet with another person and both have a MyGovID ap each on there.
You will need your smart device and two forms of ID - typically a drivers licence and medicare card will do, there are other options given when you're in the ap.
Steps to install ...
Step 2 – Set up the RAM (relationship access manager) interface
The RAM is the program that links various ABN's to indvidual people so that those people can access the portal for that ABN. If a person's name is on the ASIC record for an ABN, this business will automatically appear in the RAM program when you access it using your MyGovID access code. RAM will use the information in your MyGovID to scan the ASIC records and find all the ABN's you're linked to.
You will need to ensure you are on the ASIC registry as an authorised person or agent. If you're unsure as to whether you are listed, you can call the ATO and ask them (provided you are cleared for privacy purposes to talk to them that is!).
Step 3 – Test the log in by trying to get into the portal
Step 4 – Inviting others to access your ATO file - Please Remember ...
You will need the MyGovID used name and email address of the person you are inviting.
Remember that even though, when people set up their MyGovID app they need to add their middle name if they have one, do not include the middle name in the invitation otherwise, the invitation won't work. Strange I know but that's how it is. The name that is displayed on the RAM screen when they personally log in is the name that any invitations need to be addressed to.
For example, if you set up for Jane Someone Doe in the Ap, when she logs into her RAM it will say welcome Jane Doe. When Joe Blow invites her to use his file, he needs to invite Jane Doe, not Jane Someone Doe.
Also remember to ask the person you are inviting what email address they used to set up their account incase it's not a work email address as that needs to be the one they used to set up their MyGovID with also.